49 research outputs found

    Global Numerical Constraints on Trees

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    We introduce a logical foundation to reason on tree structures with constraints on the number of node occurrences. Related formalisms are limited to express occurrence constraints on particular tree regions, as for instance the children of a given node. By contrast, the logic introduced in the present work can concisely express numerical bounds on any region, descendants or ancestors for instance. We prove that the logic is decidable in single exponential time even if the numerical constraints are in binary form. We also illustrate the usage of the logic in the description of numerical constraints on multi-directional path queries on XML documents. Furthermore, numerical restrictions on regular languages (XML schemas) can also be concisely described by the logic. This implies a characterization of decidable counting extensions of XPath queries and XML schemas. Moreover, as the logic is closed under negation, it can thus be used as an optimal reasoning framework for testing emptiness, containment and equivalence

    El requerimiento de acusación directa y su efecto en el plazo de la prescripción de la acción penal

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    La presente investigación toca uno de los problemas observados y harto discutidos en el sistema de administración de justicia al que hemos denominado “EL REQUERIMIENTO DE ACUSACIÓN DIRECTA Y SU EFECTO EN EL PLAZO DE LA PRESCRIPCIÓN DE LA ACCIÓN PENAL.” Este tema ha sido objeto de debate por connotados doctrinarios y operadores de justicia en nuestro medio; el presente trabajo se centra en Determinar cuáles son los fundamentos jurídicos para establecer que el requerimiento de acusación no suspende sino interrumpe los plazos de prescripción de la acción penal. Los métodos usados en esta investigación obedecen a métodos lógicos, siguiendo un análisis deductivo, analítico – sintético, también hemos recurrido a los métodos jurídicos en los cuales nos permiten interpretar hermenéuticamente el código penal. A la vez que mediante el método doctrinario seleccionamos las posturas que se ajusten a nuestras posturas, en esta línea sigue el método dialectico y el método de análisis económico. Los resultados de nuestra investigación se presenta a modo de conclusiones donde finalmente expresamos que: Los fundamentos jurídicos para establecer que el requerimiento de acusación no suspende sino interrumpe los plazos de prescripción de la acción penal, son: El principio de legalidad; la correcta interpretación del acuerdo plenario N° 6 -2010 CJ/116; los alcances del acuerdo plenario N° 1-2010 CJ/116; la naturaleza jurídica de la acusación directa; la prohibición de interpretación extensiva desfavorable al procesado; la peligrosidad de realizar una interpretación extensiva y la duración del proceso con acusación directa.The present investigation touches on one of the problems observed and widely discussed in the system of administration of justice, which we have called ""THE REQUIREMENT OF DIRECT ACCUSATION AND ITS EFFECT ON THE PERIOD OF THE PRESCRIPTION OF CRIMINAL ACTION."" This issue has been the subject of debate by notorious doctrinaires and justice operators in our midst; the present work focuses on determining which are the legal bases to establish that the accusation requirement does not suspend but rather interrupts the statute of limitations of the criminal action. The methods used in this research obey logical methods, following a deductive, analytical-synthetic analysis, we have also resorted to legal methods in which they allow us to interpret the penal code hermeneutically. At the same time that by means of the doctrinal method we select the positions that adjust to our positions, in this line follows the dialectical method and the method of economic analysis. The results of our investigation are presented as conclusions where we finally state that: The legal grounds to establish that the indictment does not suspend but interrupt the statute of limitations of the criminal action, are: The principle of legality; the correct interpretation of plenary agreement N ° 6-2010 CJ / 116; the scope of plenary agreement No. 1-2010 CJ / 116; the legal nature of the direct accusation; the prohibition of extensive interpretation unfavorable to the defendant; the danger of carrying out an extensive interpretation and the duration of the process with direct accusation.Tesi

    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in oral squamous cell carcinoma related to behavior

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    Hypovolemic shock due to aortic rupture in dogs: a case of spirocercosis

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    Se presenta un caso de espirocercosis canina, que durante el proceso de migración de la larva culminó en ruptura de la pared de la aorta, con consecuente shock hipovolémico y muerte de un canino de raza Pointer de dos años.It is reported a case of canine spirocercosis, which during the migration process of the larva culminated in rupture of the aortic wall, with consequent hypovolemic shock and death of a two-year-old Pointer dog

    Prevalencia de diabetes tipo 2 e hipertensión arterial en adultos de nivel económico bajo de Monterrey, México

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    Antecedentes: la hiperglucemia es signo característico de un grupo enfermedades, la diabetes tipo 2 abarca del 90 al 95% de los casos, y provoca alta morbilidad, e incapacidad e incluso muerte prematura. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, prediabetes y la de HA en adultos en área urbana de bajo nivel económico en Monterrey, México. Método: estudio de corte transversal con selección aleatoria de adultos (hombres y mujeres no embarazadas ni lactando) en una comunidad de bajo nivel económico. Se obtuvo glucemia capilar y plasmática en ayuno y 2h-poscarga oral de 75 g glucosa. Diagnósticos según criterios del American Diabetes Association 2004. Se presenta prevalencia con intervalo de confianza (IC95%) y regresión múltiple en inferencia de factores. Resultados: la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 fue 14.1% (9.6-18.6%), prediabetes 12.8% (8.5-17.1) y de hipertensión arterial 26.24% (20.4-32.4%). La edad, el índice de masa corporal y género justifican 38% de la variación de la hipertensión arterial (r = 0.616, todas p < 0.001); pero sólo 5% (r = 0.23) de la variación glucémica fue explicado por la edad (p < 0.01) y el índice de masa corporal (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial fue la esperada, pero la de diabetes mellitus 2 sugiere ser más alta que en reportes previos. En esta población la adiposidad no justifica la alta prevalencia de diabetes mellitus 2, ni de prediabetes. ABSTRACT Background: Hyperglycemia is a characteristic sign of several diseases. In the case of type 2 diabetes, it has an effect on 90 to 95% of the patients. It produces a high morbidity, incapacity and even death. Objective: To determine the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and hypertension in a low-income urban area in Monterrey, Mexico. Method: A random, cross-sectional study was done in a low-income urban population in Monterrey, Mexico. Patients who had participated in a baseline glycemic study from 1992 to 1993 were re-examined. The concentration of capillary and plasmatic glucose on fasting and two hour post-load oral glucose (75 g) were determined. The diagnoses were established following the criteria of the American Diabetes Association 2004. Multiple regression analyses were done to infer the factors related with glycemia; the confidence interval was 95%. Results: The type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence was 14.1%, pre-diabetes 12.8% and the one for hypertension was 26.24%. Age, body mass index and gender prognosticated in an independent manner the values of hypertension (p < 0.001). Glycemia was prognosticated based on age (p < 0.01) and body mass index (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes was higher in low-income adult patients, but hypertension prevalence remained within normal parameters. In this population, the body mass index did not justify the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes nor that of pre-diabetes

    A unified analytical solution of the steady-state atmospheric diffusion equation

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    A unified analytical solution of the steady-state atmospheric diffusion equation for a finite and semi-infinite/infinite media was developed using the classic integral transform technique (CITT) which is based on a systematized method of separation of variable. The solution was obtained considering an arbitrary mean wind velocity depending on the vertical coordinate (z) and a generalized separable functional form for the eddy diffusivities in terms of the longitudinal (x) and vertical coordinates (z). The examples described in this article show that the well known closed-form analytical solutions, available in the literature, for both finite and semi-infinite/infinite media are special cases of the present unified analytical solution. As an example of the strength of the developed methodology, the Copenhagen and Prairie Grass experiments were simulated (finite media with the mean wind speed and the turbulent diffusion coefficient described by different functional forms). The results indicate that the present solutions are in good agreement with those obtained using other analytical procedures, previously published in the literature. It is important to note that the eigenvalue problem is associated directly to the atmospheric diffusion equation making possible the development of the unified analytical solution and also resulting in the improvement of the convergence behavior in the series of the eigenfunction-expansion.Indisponível

    Red Neuronal Pulsante Adaptada al Problema del Camino más Corto

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    La solución eficiente del problema del camino más corto tiene aplicaciones en áreas tan importantes y actuales como la robótica, las telecomunicaciones, la investigación de operaciones, la teoría de juegos, las redes de computadoras, internet, diseño industrial, fenómenos de transporte, diseño de circuitos electrónicos y otros, por lo que es un tema de gran interés en el área de optimización combinatoria. En el presente trabajo se describe una Red Neuronal Artificial Pulsante capaz de atacar eficientemente el problema del camino más corto entre dos nodos. Una vez que la Red Pulsante encuentra el nodo meta a costo mínimo, se realiza una extracción o Explicitación de Conocimiento de esta Red para recuperar la trayectoria final. Debido al diseño en paralelo de la Red Neuronal aquí presentada, este enfoque de solución puede resultar altamente competitivo, según se observó en la etapa de experimentación a partir de los buenos resultados obtenidos, aún en casos con miles de nodos

    Current concepts in ameloblastoma-targeted therapies in B-raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase V600E mutation: Systematic review

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    Ameloblastomas are common benign epithelial odontogenic neoplasms that present an aggressive and unpredictable behavior that may modify treatment strategies. Different signaling pathways that participate in the progression of these tumors have been identified. B-raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase (BRAF) is a protein involved in the behavior of ameloblastomas, and it is related to many cell mechanisms. BRAF gene mutations have been identified in ameloblastomas, of which the BRAF V600E (valine substituted by glutamic acid at amino acid 600) mutation has been the most common and can be present concomitantly with other mutations that may be involved in its behavior. Targeted therapies have been used as an alternative in the case of resistance or contraindications to conventional treatments

    Comparison of Risk Factors for Developing Liver Fibrosis in Subjects With and Without Metabolic Syndrome: A Cohort Study.

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS), a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, is a well-known risk factor for developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, condition that can lead to serious liver damage such as liver fibrosis (LF), which is characterized by excessive deposition of connective tissue, progressing to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Nevertheless, subjects without MS may also develop LF. Non-invasive LF predictors based upon anthropometric and biochemical data have been reported. Aim: To compare anthropometric, genetic, and biochemical parameters in subjects with or without MS, and at risk for developing liver fibrosis. Methods: A randomized sample of 200 individuals was taken from the 2015 Nuevo León State Health Survey. Inclusion criteria were age ≥18 and a previously stored blood sample. According to the parameters obtained, subjects were classified as either with or without MS and their NAFLD fibrosis score was calculated considering variables such as age, BMI, glycemia, albumin, platelets, and AST/ALT ratio, to establish a high or low risk of LF. Comparisons of weight, age, BMI, blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, platelets, albumin, AST/ALT ratio, and HDL were made between groups. DNA was extracted from stored blood samples and genotyped, using q-PCR, according to variants in four genes related to: fatty acid (FA) metabolism (PNPLA3, rs738409), adipocyte differentiation (PLIN2, rs35568725), glucose metabolism (GCKR, rs1260326 and rs780094), and BMI (UCP2, rs659366). Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v.22. A p value &lt;0.05 was taken as level of significance. Results: A total of 134 subjects were included and divided into four groups (n): With MS+ high risk (35), With MS+ low risk (34), Without MS+ high risk (32), Without MS+ low risk (33). Table 1 shows the main significative findings. Higher age, low platelet count, and increased AST/ALT ratio, were significantly different in high risk subjects, independently of the presence of MS. No association between the polymorphisms and risk for fibrosis was found. In subjects at high risk for LF, statistical significance was found for high cholesterol blood levels (OR= 20.0 (95%CI 2.87;139.38) in carriers of the T allele of GCKR rs780094 polymorphism. Conclusion: Aging, thrombocytopenia, and increased transaminases, the last two indicators of liver disfunction, were found as important risk factors for LF in subjects without metabolic syndrome. None of the genetic variants analyzed resulted associated to risk of LF, although sample size could be a factor. GCKR rs780094 variant was found related with risk for hypercholesterolemia, even though dyslipidemia was not found associated with risk of LF in the present study.&nbsp;&nbsp